Sunday, October 10, 2010

We're off!

Today was spent in wild anticipation and restless activity. I couldn't settle to just one task; grade the papers my students just marked, do the last of the laundry, or clean the house. Finally, my son John and I walked over to Greenwood for a lunch out. We were both feeling restless. The plane leaves in just an hour, and as I sit here, waiting for Jody and Sheila to join me, I'm filled with excitement! My father, brother and son all saw me off at the airport, and as my Dad said, "Well, you're off on another adventure!" He's right. Every time I arrive at SeaTac I'm filled with the possibilities; so many opportunities. A whole new culture to explore, a new school to learn about, new students and teachers with whom to connect. I'm filled with gratitude for this marvelous experience I've been granted! Now to settle down and hopefully relax enough so I can sleep on the plane and not arrive completely exhausted. We have a busy schedule for the next two weeks. I don't want to arrive too worn out to make the very most of this extraordinary trip.

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